Cost of Living in Edinburgh: Budgeting Tips for Study Abroad Students

Cost of Living in Edinburgh

About Edinburgh

Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and is known as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is also home to the Fourth Bridge, the Scott Monument, and Edinburgh Castle, which are famous for their breathtaking views. There are many historic sites with an extensive past. The cost of living in Edinburgh is generally considered to be higher than other cities in Scotland. However, it is still relatively expensive compared to other major cities in the UK. According to Numbeo, a website that compares the cost of living in cities around the world, Edinburgh has a cost of living of 74.57, lower than London (83.89) but higher than Glasgow (65.64).

List of the Cost of Living in Edinburgh

Comfortable living as a student in Edinburgh generally requires between £1,739 and £1,934 per month (excluding tuition fees). Here is a breakdown of some of the major costs to consider:

  • Accommodation: This will be your biggest expense. Renting a studio flat in the city centre can range from £650 to more than £900 a month, while a shared flat will cost around £225 (excluding fees). You can explore and easily find student accommodation in Edinburgh.
  • Food: When shopping at supermarket chains like Lidl and Aldi, one will be rather frugal. Some estimates include £150–200 a month for necessities. Lunch at campus restaurants and cafes also offers student discounts. Try a taste of Scottish cuisine by learning how to cook a few budget-friendly dishes, such as lentil soup or Scotch pie.
  • Transport: The public transport system in Edinburgh is very good, with special discounts for students. A monthly subscription can cost in the range of £50. Biking is healthy and completely free, considering the compact downtown.
  • Utilities and phone plans: The average cost of a room utility can range from £50 to £100 per month. Do not investigate cheap phone plans for students with resources available for calls, texts, and data.
  • Miscellaneous: Add additional expenses in terms of laundry, personal hygiene products, books, and the occasional entertainment to your budget.

Your Edinburgh Experience & Accommodation: A Guide to Finding an Affordable Home

Accommodation is an important factor when you are going to stay in Edinburgh. The following advice can help you find cheap housing:

Private rentals vs. University accommodation

Though university accommodation is more expensive, it offers convenience and, very often, meal plans. Private rentals, however, offer great independence but entail upfront costs and investigation.


Sharing accommodation with friends not only reduces the cost of rent but also enhances your social life in Edinburgh. Find roommates through events like university events and social media groups.

Budget for Rent

 A fair portion of your budget should go towards your rent and utility bills. Consider factors such as property type, size, and location. Keep in mind that the best option is not always the most expensive option.

Read: Tips for Choosing a Career Path for You

Energy to Travel and Enjoy Edinburgh (Without Overspending)

Edinburgh has a vibrant food culture that is inexpensive. Here are some eating hacks:

Supermarket Secrets

Shop for cheap food, groceries, and other essentials for students in stores like Lidl or Aldi. Make enough food to last for weeks by stocking up on rice, pasta, and beans.

Student Cafeterias & Deals

Colleges and universities, including the University of Edinburgh, offer meal deals exclusive to students at their canteens and cafes. Explore these options for a quick and affordable lunch at any time of the day.

Give Cooking a Go

Take the time to cook a few simple, flavorful dishes like scotch pie or lentil soup. These are hearty, budget-friendly, and a great way to taste local cuisine. Check out cookbooks or recipe sites focusing on Scottish cooking.

Low-Priced Entertainment in Edinburgh 

Free Festivals and Gatherings

 Edinburgh regularly features a variety of complimentary festivals and gatherings throughout the year. Whether it’s a live performance in the open air, a cinema show, or a street exhibit and cultural occasion, you will experience some of the most remarkable sights. 

Explore bar Nights

 Many bars offer discounts on food and drinks, particularly on pub quizzes and special student nights, complete with live entertainment. Have a fun-packed social evening without breaking the bank!

Become a Productive Library Lurker

 There is more to the university library than just study areas. Many libraries host free activities such as movie nights, author talks, and other workshops. Take advantage of their extensive media collection to borrow audiobooks, movies, or music to pass the time. Libraries also offer quiet spaces for relaxation, reading, or studying.

Maximising Your Budget: Essential Budgeting Tips for Study Abroad Students

To help you have the best time in Edinburgh, here are some essential money-saving tips:

Create a budget

 Effective budgeting begins with a well-defined spending plan. Track your income and expenses on a spreadsheet or budgeting software. This allows you to identify areas where you can save money and allocate money to important projects and needs. Consider potential income from part-time jobs, scholarships, and/or parental support.

Accept Thrifting & Second-Hand Stores

 Charity shops and second-hand stores are gold mines of one-off items at extremely low prices. Check out stores like the British Heart Foundation or Cancer Research UK and find cheap furniture, clothes, and even books.

Consider a part-time job

 You can increase your income and gain experience by joining a part-time job. Look for legal positions that have flexible arrangements, such as working in restaurants, teaching job placement, or freelancing jobs online. Confirm the restricted hours that foreign students with visas are allowed to work.


With a little planning, resourcefulness, and knowledge in this guide, you can turn Edinburgh into your affordable and unforgettable study abroad experience. Embrace the free and budget-friendly activities, explore local cuisine, soak in the city’s rich history and culture, and find the perfect housing options with Best Student Halls. Remember, the most valuable experiences often lie beyond the tourist dollar. Now get out there, explore, and make the most of your time in the city of Edinburgh!

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